Resume - Graphics Engineer

 Nikhil Johny Karuthedath

Houston, TX | | +1 (213) 800-6814 |


Experienced Software Engineer seeking a Graphics Engineering position that will utilize a strong background in software development and a love for graphics and games. A self-starter who is fully committed to proving himself in a new career.


University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA | August 2019 – May 2021

  • Master of Science in Computer Science | GPA: 3.92 / 4.00

  • Coursework: 3D Graphics and Rendering, Animation and Simulation, Multimedia Systems Design, Analysis of Algorithms, Web Technologies

BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore, India | August 2016

  • Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering | GPA: 9.39/10.00

  • Coursework: Advanced Data Structures, Java, Web Programming, Unix Programming, Database Management Systems



  • Animate a Jello cube simulation using Mass-Spring system and Hooke’s Law (C++, OpenGL)

  • Motion Capture Key Frame Interpolation (C++, OpenGL)

    • Linear and Bezier Euler

    • SLERP and Bezier Quaternion

  • Inverse Kinematics and Skinning tool (C++, OpenGL)

    • FK and IK implementation

    • Linear blend skinning


  • Generate a 3D height map given a 2D height field texture

  • Generate a roller coaster simulation using Catmull-Rom splines


  • Created a Monte Carlo path tracer. The project implements global illumination with multiple materials like Lambertian, Dielectric, Metallic. It also provides camera effects like motion blur and depth of field (C++)

  • Implemented a Ray Tracer

    • Antialiasing and soft shadows implemented

  • Implemented a graphics rasterizer with lighting, texturing, and transformation capabilities using 3D mathematics and linear algebra on the Utah teapot model (C++)



  • Implemented a 3D Graphics Engine

    • Model loading and transformations

    • Lighting and texture capabilities

    • Culling and clipping features

  • Created an application to visualize 1D and 2D Perlin Noise Approximation

  • Created an application to visualize A* Path Finding

Procedural Generation

  • City Grid using Perlin Noise (Unity, C#)

  • Object Placement using Poisson Disc Sampling (Unity, C#)


Software Engineer | Testmax Inc., Los Angeles, USA | June 2021 - Present

  • Responsible for the complete design, development, and testing of new features and the maintenance of the Testmax web application written in Ruby on Rails and Javascript.

  • Sole ownership of the CI pipeline using GitHub Actions which included End-to-end Regression Automation Testing using Cypress and Javascript to ensure better pull request and coding standards for the entire team.

Software Engineer | Walmart Labs, Bangalore, India, August 2016 - June 2019

  • Worked on a React and Java WebApp that helped with shelving items in Walmart stores.

  • Built an automation suite and set up the CICD Pipeline, thereby facilitating faster testing and releases.

  • Led the testing team of 4 in the absence of the lead and successfully finished testing and deployments for those sprint cycles.

Contact Me
+1 (213) 800-6814
Houston, TX 77578